Type | Name | Synopsis | |||
Task | Install-SitecoreConfiguration | Invokes a Sitecore installation |
Starts an installation based on a JSON configuration file.
Starts an installation based on a JSON configuration file and executes only the named tasks.
Starts an installation based on a JSON configuration file and executes all tasks except the named tasks.
Starts an installation based on a JSON configuration file and executes from the specified task.
Starts an installation based on a JSON configuration file and executes from the task named `Alpha` to the task named `Beta`.
Starts an installation based on a JSON configuration file, overriding the value for the `SiteName` parameter an contained in that file.
Starts an installation based on a JSON configuration file and skips parameters validation.
Example json configuration
Task | Install-SitecoreConfiguration | Invokes a Sitecore installation |
Starts an installation based on a JSON configuration file.
Starts an installation based on a JSON configuration file and executes only the named tasks.
Starts an installation based on a JSON configuration file and executes all tasks except the named tasks.
Starts an installation based on a JSON configuration file and executes from the specified task.
Starts an installation based on a JSON configuration file and executes from the task named `Alpha` to the task named `Beta`.
Starts an installation based on a JSON configuration file, overriding the value for the `SiteName` parameter an contained in that file.
Starts an installation based on a JSON configuration file and skips parameters validation.
Example json configuration
Export-WebDeployParameters | Creates a parameters file for a Web Deploy Package |
This will output a webdeploy-parameters
This will output a webdeploy-parameters
Get-SitecoreInstallExtension | Returns information on the extensions registered with the Sitecore Install Framework. |
Will return all tasks and config functions registered by default.
Will return all tasks registered by default.
Will return all task and config functions registered by default or through the given configuration.
Task | Install-SitecoreConfiguration | Invokes a Sitecore installation |
Starts an installation based on a JSON configuration file.
Starts an installation based on a JSON configuration file and executes only the named tasks.
Starts an installation based on a JSON configuration file and executes all tasks except the named tasks.
Starts an installation based on a JSON configuration file and executes from the specified task.
Starts an installation based on a JSON configuration file and executes from the task named `Alpha` to the task named `Beta`.
Starts an installation based on a JSON configuration file, overriding the value for the `SiteName` parameter an contained in that file.
Starts an installation based on a JSON configuration file and skips parameters validation.
Example json configuration
Task (New) | Invoke-AddWebFeatureSSLTask | Creates and binds a certificate chain to a website. |
Attempts to locate a certificate chain for `test.com` and if one is not found then a root authority will be created and a subordinate web certificate created. The web certificate will then be assigned to `test.com`
Example json configuration
ConfigFunction | Invoke-AndConfigFunction | Performs an AND operation on two or more values. |
Returns true.
Returns false.
Config function Invoke-AndConfigFunction is registered as And | |
Task | Invoke-AppPoolTask | Task to support the creation and modification of an IIS Application Pool. |
This creates a new application pool with the name 'NewPool'.
This creates a new application pool with the name 'NewPool' and sets the Recycling.PeriodicRestart.Requests value to 500.
Example json configuration
ConfigFunction (New) | Invoke-CheckInstalledSoftwareConfigFunction | Determines if a program has been installed. |
Determine if a program called `Test Software` is installed.
Determine if a program called `Test Software` is installed and if so return the version.
Config function Invoke-CheckInstalledSoftwareConfigFunction is registered as CheckInstalledSoftware | |
Task | Invoke-CommandTask | Task to support the execution of an arbitrary command. |
Assuming nuget is available on the current PATH, this invokes nuget.exe and displays a list of the sources available in a condensed format.
This invokes nuget from a specific location and displays a list of the sources available in a condensed format.
Example json configuration
ConfigFunction | Invoke-ConcatConfigFunction | Concatenate values within a configuration |
This example takes a collection of values and concatenates them together.
Config function Invoke-ConcatConfigFunction is registered as Concat | |
Task | Invoke-CopyTask | Task to support copying files or folders to a new location. |
This copies all files and folders from c:\source to c:\dest.
This copies the source file to the destination folder, retaining the file name. NOTE: The trailing slash is required on the destination to identify the path as a directory.
This copies the source file to a new destination and renames the file to `other.txt`.
Example json configuration
Task | Invoke-CreateServiceTask | Creates a Windows service |
This registers a service called 'Example' with the executable path 'c:\my\service.exe -list 5'. The service can be started automatically.
Example json configuration
Task | Invoke-DownloadFileTask | Task to support the downloading of files from the Internet. |
This downloads the file 'SomeFile.txt' from 'www.somedomain.com' and saves it to 'C:\Temp\SomeFile.txt'
Example json configuration
Task | Invoke-EnsurePathTask | Creates paths or cleans existing paths. |
This clears all content from the c:\deploy folder. If the folder does not already exist, it will be created.
This checks if the path c:\destination exists. If it does not exist, it will be created. If it does exist, no changes will occur.
This cleans and creates multiple paths at the same time.
Example json configuration
ConfigFunction | Invoke-EnvironmentConfigFunction | Supports referencing of environment variables in configurations |
This example resolves the environment system drive.
Config function Invoke-EnvironmentConfigFunction is registered as Environment | |
ConfigFunction | Invoke-EqualConfigFunction | Returns true or false based on the equality of two values. |
returns false.
returns true.
Config function Invoke-EqualConfigFunction is registered as Equal | |
Task | Invoke-FilePermissionsTask | Sets file permissions for a path |
Gives the current user Read and Write permissions to the path c:\examplepath.
Gives the current user Read and Write permissions to the path c:\examplepath and all its children.
Example json configuration
ConfigFunction | Invoke-GetCertificateConfigFunction | Returns the certificate for the given name or thumbprint under a certificate path. |
Searches the default certificate path `cert:\LocalMachine\My` for the certificate with the name `MyCert`.
Searches the default certificate path `cert:\LocalMachine\My` for the certificate with the thumbprint `80AE58424A64BAAF7E82764BB9BE79EE27B46A96`.
Searches the certificate path `cert:\LocalMachine\Root` for the certificate with the name `MyRootCert`.
Config function Invoke-GetCertificateConfigFunction is registered as GetCertificate | |
ConfigFunction | Invoke-GetCertificateThumbprintConfigFunction | Returns the thumbprint for the requested certificate. |
Searches the default certificate path `cert:\LocalMachine\My` for the certificate with the name `MyCert` and returns the thumbprint.
Searches the default certificate path `cert:\LocalMachine\My` for the certificate with the thumbprint `80AE58424A64BAAF7E82764BB9BE79EE27B46A96` and returns the thumbprint.
Searches the certificate path `cert:\LocalMachine\Root` for the certificate with the name `MyRootCert` and returns the thumbprint.
Config function Invoke-GetCertificateThumbprintConfigFunction is registered as GetCertificateThumbprint | |
Task | Invoke-HostHeaderTask | Performs the action over the entry in the system hosts file. |
This will add a new host entry of ' customhost' to the hosts file.
This will add a new host entry of ' customhost' to the hosts file.
This will remove host entry of ' customhost' from the hosts file.
Example json configuration
Task | Invoke-HttpRequestTask | Task to support making requests over the Internet. |
This makes a 'GET' request to the URI 'www.somedomain.com'.
This makes a 'POST' request to the URI 'www.somedomain.com' using the data in the Parameters as the payload of the request.
This makes a 'GET' request to the URI 'www.somedomain.com' and throw an exception if the response status code is not 404.
Example json configuration
ConfigFunction | Invoke-IfConfigFunction | Returns a value based on the result of a condition. |
Evaluates `$value` as a boolean. If `$value` is a non-empty string the value 'abc' is returned. Otherwise the value 'def' will be returned.
Config function Invoke-IfConfigFunction is registered as If | |
Task | Invoke-IISConfigurationTask | Configures an IIS Configuration property |
Sets the `uploadReadAheadSize` for the `SC1` site to a value of `491520000`
Example json configuration
Task (New) | Invoke-InsertXmlTask | Inserts a new sub-document into an XML document in a file, appended as a child to one or many parents. |
Inserts the 'subroot' document as a child of the 'config' element.
Inserts a copy of the 'subroot' document as a child of each child of the 'config' element.
Example json configuration
Task (New) | Invoke-InstallPSModuleTask | Installs PowerShell module on a remote server. |
This will register 'https://repository1' PowerShell repository source as 'Repository1' and install 'Module1' PowerShell module on the remote server represented by '$remoteSession' session.
Example json configuration
Task (New) | Invoke-InstallSitecoreConfigurationTask | Installs Sitecore configuration to the remote server. |
This will install Sitecore configuration represented by '$configParameters' parameters to the remote server represented by $remoteSession session.
Example json configuration
Task | Invoke-IoXmlTask | Enables, Disables and Deletes configuration files as stated in an IOXML file |
Update configuration files in "sc902" as stated in sample.ioxml
Example json configuration
ConfigFunction | Invoke-JoinConfigFunction | Joins a list of values as a single string |
Creates the following string: "1,2,3"
Creates the following string: "1:2:3"
Config function Invoke-JoinConfigFunction is registered as Join | |
ConfigFunction | Invoke-JoinPathConfigFunction | Joins a list of values as a single path |
Returns the path 'c:\example\path'
Returns the path '.\abc'
Returns the path '.\test\abc'
Config function Invoke-JoinPathConfigFunction is registered as JoinPath | |
Task | Invoke-ManageAppPoolTask | Task to support the Starting, Stopping and Restarting of an application pool. |
Starts the application pool named DefaultAppPool.
Stops the application pool named DefaultAppPool.
Restarts the application pool named DefaultAppPool.
Example json configuration
Task | Invoke-ManageServiceTask | Manages changes to an existing service. |
Updates the existing service 'Example', setting its status to running and changing its startup type to automatic.
Example json configuration
Task | Invoke-ManageSolrConfigTask | Manages changes to the configuration of a core on an existing Solr instance. |
Adds a new request handler called 'new_query' to 'core0' on the Solr instance at 'http://localhost:8983:/solr'.
Example json configuration
Task | Invoke-ManageSolrCoreTask | Manages changes to the cores of an existing Solr instance. |
Creates a new core called 'core0' on the Solr instance at 'http://localhost:8983:/solr'.
Removes an existing core called 'core0' on the Solr instance at 'http://localhost:8983:/solr'.
Splits the exiting core 'core0' into the two paths '/Path1' and '/Path2' on the Solr instance at 'http://localhost:8983:/solr'.
Example json configuration
Task | Invoke-ManageSolrSchemaTask | Manages changes to the schema of an existing Solr core. |
Replaces the dynamic field `*_s` with new properties
Invokes the command using with arguments sources from the file `c:\schema.json`
Example json configuration
Task | Invoke-ManageWebsiteTask | Task to support the starting and stopping of an IIS web site. |
Starts the site named 'Default Web Site'.
Stops the site named 'Default Web Site'.
Restarts the site named 'Default Web Site'.
Example json configuration
ConfigFunction (New) | Invoke-ModuleConfigFunction | Determines if a module is present on the current system. |
Determines if the module `SQLServer` is installed.
Returns the version of the `SQLServer` module.
Config function Invoke-ModuleConfigFunction is registered as Module | |
ConfigFunction (New) | Invoke-NewPSCredentialConfigFunction | Creates and returns a Powershell credential object. |
Creates a Powershell credential object using the Username `User1` and the Password `Password123`.
Config function Invoke-NewPSCredentialConfigFunction is registered as NewPSCredential | |
Task (New) | Invoke-NewRootCertificateTask | Creates a new Root Certificate Authority |
Creates a Root Certificate Authority in the default location of Cert:\LocalMachine\root
Example json configuration
Task (New) | Invoke-NewSignedCertificateTask | Creates an SSL certificate for web hosting. |
Creates a web hosting certificate signed by the `$Signer` root authority.
Creates a web hosting certificate signed by the `$Signer` root authority with the Common Name set to `website.com` and also including `example.com` and `` as Subject Alternative Names.
Example json configuration
ConfigFunction | Invoke-NotConfigFunction | Returns the logical opposite of the given value. |
Returns false.
Returns true.
Config function Invoke-NotConfigFunction is registered as Not | |
ConfigFunction | Invoke-OrConfigFunction | Performs an OR operation on two or more values. |
Returns true.
Returns true.
Returns false.
Config function Invoke-OrConfigFunction is registered as Or | |
ConfigFunction (New) | Invoke-RandomStringConfigFunction | Generates a random string of the specified length. |
Returns a string of length 10 using all available characters.
Returns a string of length 10 using only capital letters.
Returns a string of length 10 without any of the special printable characters and requiring at least one each of the allowed characters (caps, lower and numbers)
Returns a string of length 8 using only numbers. Note this is still returned as a string not an int.
Config function Invoke-RandomStringConfigFunction is registered as RandomString | |
ConfigFunction | Invoke-ReadJsonConfigFunction | Reads the contents of a json file. |
Reads the content of the configuration.json file and returns an object that represents the data in the file.
Config function Invoke-ReadJsonConfigFunction is registered as ReadJson | |
Task (New) | Invoke-RemoveAppPoolTask | Removes an application pool from IIS. |
Removes the IIS application pool with demoapppool name.
Example json configuration
Task | Invoke-RemoveServiceTask | Removes a service from the machine. |
Removes the 'Example' service.
Example json configuration
Task (New) | Invoke-RemoveWebsiteTask | Removes an IIS website. |
Removes the IIS website with demosite name.
Example json configuration
Task (New) | Invoke-RemoveXmlTask | Removes one or more nodes from an XML document in a file specified by an XPath. |
Removes the 'config' element from the XML document in the file.
Removes all the child elements of the 'config' element from the XML document in the file.
Removes the 'name' attribute from the 'config' element in the XML document in the file.
Example json configuration
ConfigFunction | Invoke-ResolveCertificatePathConfigFunction | Supports resolving file system paths from Certificate store paths in configurations. |
This example resolves the file system directory of the specified Certificate store path.
Config function Invoke-ResolveCertificatePathConfigFunction is registered as ResolveCertificatePath | |
ConfigFunction | Invoke-ResolvePathConfigFunction | Supports resolving file system paths in configurations. |
This example resolves the parent directory of the current directory and returns the full directory path.
Config function Invoke-ResolvePathConfigFunction is registered as ResolvePath | |
ConfigFunction (New) | Invoke-RestAuthenticationConfigFunction | Performs authentication to the REST endpoint specified with `LoginUri` parameter by posting username as `Username` parameter and password as `Password`. |
Returns web session if the credentials satisfy authentication service and `null` in opposite case.
Config function Invoke-RestAuthenticationConfigFunction is registered as RestAuthentication | |
Task | Invoke-SetXmlTask | Sets values in an XML document. |
Sets the value of //root/config in the file to be 'test'.
Adds or updates the //root/config element with an attribute called 'extra' and a value of 'test'.
Adds a new element at //root/config/text with a value of 'test2' and an 'extra' attribute with a value of 'test3'.
Example json configuration
Task | Invoke-SitecoreUrlTask | Makes a request to s specific Sitecore Url. |
Logs in to the Sitecore instance at http://localhost and then requests the /sitecore/admin/showconfig.aspx page.
Example json configuration
ConfigFunction | Invoke-SqlConnectionStringConfigFunction | Creates a Sql connection string |
Returns the connection string: 'Data Source=.\Sql2016;Initial Catalog=sitecore_core'
Returns the connection string: 'Data Source=.\Sql2016;Initial Catalog=sitecore_core;User ID=sa;Password=12345'
Config function Invoke-SqlConnectionStringConfigFunction is registered as SqlConnectionString | |
Task | Invoke-TransformXmlDocTask | Transforms xml files by providing XML Document Transform files |
This transforms xml files inside root directory by looking at the relative paths of the xml tranformation documents in xdt directory
Example json configuration
Task | Invoke-UnpackTask | Extracts an archive file to disk. |
Extracts the contents of 'content.zip' to the destination 'c:\unpacked'.
Example json configuration
ConfigFunction (New) | Invoke-ValidateCountConfigFunction | Validates that the parameter array count is in the specified range. |
The parameter array has length of 3, which is in the range of 2 to 4, so result is `$true`.
The parameter array has length of 5, which isn't in the range of 2 to 4, so result is `$false`.
Config function Invoke-ValidateCountConfigFunction is registered as ValidateCount | |
ConfigFunction (New) | Invoke-ValidateLengthConfigFunction | Validates that the parameter length falls in the range. |
The parameter has length of 5, which is in the range of 4 to 6, so result is `$true`.
The paramter has length of 3, which isn't in the range of 4 to 6, so result is `$false`.
Config function Invoke-ValidateLengthConfigFunction is registered as ValidateLength | |
ConfigFunction (New) | Invoke-ValidateNotNullConfigFunction | Verifies the argument is not null. |
The parameter is not `$null`, result is `$true`.
The parameter is `$null`, result is `$false`.
Config function Invoke-ValidateNotNullConfigFunction is registered as ValidateNotNull | |
ConfigFunction (New) | Invoke-ValidateNotNullOrEmptyConfigFunction | Validates that the argument is not null and is not an empty string or collection |
The parameter is not empty string, result is `$true`.
The parameter is empty string, result is `$false`.
The parameter is not empty array, result is `$true`.
Config function Invoke-ValidateNotNullOrEmptyConfigFunction is registered as ValidateNotNullOrEmpty | |
ConfigFunction (New) | Invoke-ValidatePatternConfigFunction | Validates that parameter matches the RegexPattern. |
The parameter value matches the pattern, so result is `$true`.
If the parameter value doesn't match the pattern, the result is `$false`.
Config function Invoke-ValidatePatternConfigFunction is registered as ValidatePattern | |
ConfigFunction (New) | Invoke-ValidateRangeConfigFunction | Validates that number parameter falls in the range specified by Min and Max. |
The parameter value is 400, which falls in the range of 100 to 500, result is `$true`.
The parameter value is 600, which doesn't fall in the range of 100 to 500, result is `$false`.
Config function Invoke-ValidateRangeConfigFunction is registered as ValidateRange | |
ConfigFunction (New) | Invoke-ValidateSetConfigFunction | Validates that parameter is present in a specified set. |
The parameter is in the specified set, result is `$true`.
The parameter is not in the specified set, result is `$false`.
Config function Invoke-ValidateSetConfigFunction is registered as ValidateSet | |
Task | Invoke-WebBindingTask | Creates, updates, and removes web bindings. |
Adds a new web binding to a site. In this example, the binding matches the default '*:80:' binding.
Adds a new https binding to a site. In this example, the binding matches the default '*:443:' binding with a certificate.
Adds a binding for the localhost address restricted to the hostheader 'Example'.
Removes all existing bindings before adding a default https binding. The binding is set to '*:443:'.
Removes all existing bindings that use the 'http' protocol.
Updates existing bindings using port 80 with an empty hostheader and no assigned IP to use port 81.
Updates existing binding on port 443 to use the certificate with thumbprint '97A875E0F559AB380C1FDBEF3CB391E5C7ED87BA'.
Example json configuration
Task | Invoke-WebDeployTask | Executes a Web Deploy command. |
This invokes msdeploy from the default path in the following way: c:\
Example json configuration
Task | Invoke-WebRequestTask | Requests a web page, with optional retries |
Requests the localhost site
Requests the localhost site. If the site does not return successfully within three attempts an error is thrown.
Example json configuration
Task | Invoke-WebsiteClientCertTask | Configures client certificate settings for a website. |
Configures the website `XConnect` to ignore client certificates.
Configures the website `XConnect` to accept client certificates and require SSl.
Configures the website `XConnect` to require client certificates. When `Require` is chosen for the setting, SSL is also required.
Example json configuration
Task | Invoke-WebSiteTask | Task to support the creation and modification of an IIS website. |
This creates a new website named 'NewSite' using the 'NewPool' application pool. The site's physical path is set to c:\inetpub\newsite.
This creates a new website named 'NewSite' using the 'NewPool' application pool. The site's physical path is set to c:\inetpub\newsite. The site will have a binding with the hostname 'Test'.
This creates a new website named 'NewSite' using the 'NewPool' application pool. The site's physical path is set to c:\inetpub\newsite. The site will have a binding with the port set to 8080.
This creates a new website named 'NewSite' using the 'NewPool' application pool. The site's physical path is set to c:\inetpub\newsite. The site will have a binding with the IP address set to ''.
This creates the new website and also sets its Limits.ConnectionTimeout property to 1 minute.
Example json configuration
ConfigFunction (New) | Invoke-WindowsFeatureConfigFunction | Returns if a Windows Feature is enabled or not. |
Determine if the feature "IIS-Webserver" is enabled or not and returns true or false.
Config function Invoke-WindowsFeatureConfigFunction is registered as WindowsFeature | |
Register-SitecoreInstallExtension | Registers extensions to use in Sitecore Install Framework configurations. |
Registers the `Write-Host` command as a `Task` called `Write`
Registers the `Copy-Item` command as a `Task` called `Copy`. The use of `Force` will ensure any registered task called `Copy` will be overwritten.
Write-TaskHeader | THIS FUNCTION IS OBSOLETE AND WILL BE REMOVED IN THE NEXT MAJOR VERSION. Outputs a formatted message to the information stream. |
This outputs a message in the format '[----- SomeTask : CustomType -----]'. The message will fill the width of the host buffer with extra dashes.
If this example is called within a function called 'Invoke-MyFunctionTask', the output is: '[MyFunction]:[Context] log this'
If the example is called from some other function, the output would is: '[Context] log this'
This call outputs: '[CustomTask]:[Context] log this'