posted by Robert Senktas | 30-06-2017
Some time ago I started an adventure with Sitecore Azure Toolkit.
Here is a list of my posts about Siteore on Azure:
1. How to setup automatic login to Azure account.
2. How to use shared access signatures (SAS) in an automated way during Sitecore deployment with Azure Toolkit.
Some time ago I started an adventure with Sitecore Azure Toolkit.
I run a single Sitecore instance with Sitecore Azure Toolkit. It is a really greate solution to setup demo sites
or use a new clean Sitecore instance for error reproduction process.
By three days I do some experinments and tests, install sitecore with additional modules and so on.
After three days I decided to check Azure's cost to know how much my joy would cost.
You can see costs on image below:
And I was a little suprised because the most expensive part is Others.
I want to check who is Others, and why is so expensive, because on more detailed screen the Others gone and the costs looks like below:
I dig into cost, and I found that most expensive is Azure Search service. I will check Azure Search price and every thing is correct.
You can check current price here.
I have a little hope that there is a space for safe a money, because is saw that there is free and basic pricing tier of Azure Search service.
But my happines was quite short because in documentation
I found that Azure Search for Sitecore needs a standard pricing tier :(.
I think to be fully satisfied with Sitecore on Azure, I should consider setup a small SOLR instance on VM in Azure and check the costs.